Tuesday, March 10, 2009

An Invitation: Two places in one night.

Tonight I had two invitations.
The first invitation was to go eat at August Moon with a friend from High School in which I was in Marching Band with. It was so nice to talk about lessons that God had been teaching us both.

While I was at the restaurant I saw some coaches from the High School and one asked me if I was going to the game. I was honest and said no. (I don't believe we should sugar coat things.) The same way if you don't plan on going to church when someone asks you.

However, during this I told my friend about the game across the road at the RSEC. He said, "you better go if you don't have anything else to do." Well I thought about it and how it felt to get what seemed like an invitation. When I went back to my car to leave I decided to go to the RSEC and face the dilemma of not finding a good parking spot.
Something that amazed me about the trek across the road is there was someone pulling out of a spot that was closest to the building. I am still amazed at this!

Something that I have never done before is go to a Ballgame by myself. If I go with someone I don't pay attention to the game cause I am talking to them or they talk to me. Well, tonight was so awesome! I watched a whole ballgame by myself with out hardly any distractions. I was the only person in my row excluding the people ten seats down from me.

It was so awesome being able to concentrate on something that I have always had a hard time doing. Some people have the ability to do all of it at the same time; however, this man is different!

I also thought about what it was like to be taken to church and sit by yourself on a few occasions without anyone there that you knew around you. Some people wouldn't be able to handle it ; I however loved that type of adventure.

These were the times that God spoke the most to me. I experienced what true solitude was even though I was in a room full of people. It is so amazing to experience the presence of God with no distractions. There are days when I see why God gave me a desire to go to church without anyone to go with.

He does these things in our lives to build character and teach us to fully rely on Him. He teaches us how to build our faith and fully rely on him. Through all of this we develop a dependence on God. We are also torn from depending on the faith of our parents and begin to develop our own.

So, tonight I think about how these invitations are somewhat similar to the invitation to follow Christ.

I am so thankful that Christ extended the invitation for me to follow him and to make me a fisher of men. I am so thankful that he would regenerate a disgusting soul and give me a new heart that would follow after his will and desires.

I can't get over the plan of Christ and how pursues me still today. My life has been changed by invitations!
Thank you Lord, I humbly accept!

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